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It Would Be Best Not to Count Your Eggs Before You Inherit

The Voice of Elijah®, July 2018

Excerpt From Newsletter (from “Questions & Answers”)

The difficulty that one faces in trying to understand the nature of the Trinity is laid out plainly by the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 55, where he tells us we don’t think “The Way” God thinks: (Isaiah 55:1–13).

It is impossible to understand what Isaiah says in Isaiah 55 if one is not aware of the parabolic imagery that the Prophets of Israel used to compare the visible physical realm in which we exist to the invisible spiritual realm in which we all take part every day, so let me give you a clue: “The Nettle” mentioned in verse 13 is the physical body of Jesus Christ; the “Myrtle Tree” is the resurrected spiritual Body He assumed when He arose from the dead. But one has no way of knowing that unless they understand what Ezekiel says in Ezekiel 31, where he parabolically depicts the beings in the Garden of Eden as trees, which is not what I am going to explain here. My primary objective is to show you how far removed the mind-set of our generation is from “The Way” God thinks. So if you honestly want to understand the nature of the Trinity, you are going to have to give up your myopic fixation on the physical realm that you can see with your physical eyes and begin to use the “eyes of your heart” so that you view the spiritual realm of thought in which God can be seen. That is what Paul is talking about in this passage: (Ephesians 1:3–23).

There is a specific reason why Paul mentions the fact that Jesus was seated, as he says:

[up above] [every] [Ruler] [and] [Authority] [and] [Supernatural Power] [and] [Lordship], [and] [every] [Name] [that is going to be given a name], [not] [only] [in] [This] [Current Age], [but] [also] [in] [the one that] [is going to come].
(Ephesians 1:21) —HSSB

The reason why Paul mentions “The Name” is stated in the last verse of Isaiah 55, so read it carefully:

“[Instead of] [The Prickly Bushes], [a Cypress Tree] [will come up],
[And instead of] [The Nettle], [a Myrtle Tree] [will come up],
[And He will become] [His Majesty’s] [Name]—
[An [eternally burning] Sign]; [He will [not] be cut off].

(Isaiah 55:13) —my interim translation

If you do not know the significance of Christ becoming “The Name” of God when He was resurrected in the image and likeness of God, you need to do a bit more reading in the things I have written about such things over the past three decades.

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

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