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It Would Be Best to Not Call God a Liar

The Voice of Elijah®, January 2018

Excerpt From Newsletter

The Truth is, when God spoke to Abram, Abram already held title to the promise. That was the case because he inherited the promise from his father Terah. The Lord was merely telling him “beforehand” and “earlier” that everyone on Earth—those who would later be called “the Gentiles”—would be able to avail themselves of the blessing in the promise that he already had in his possession. I have long since explained how Abram came into possession of the promise in The Inheritance of the Believer, Volume 1; but I am going to explain the broad outlines again a little later on in this article. For now, I need to continue pointing out the essential elements in what Paul says about it in Galatians 3–4. He goes on to say this:

13[The Anointed One] [bought [us] back] [from] [The] [Curse] [of The] [Law], [after becoming] [a Curse] [for [our] sake]—[because] [it has been written], “[Anyone] [who] [hangs] [on] [a Tree] {is} [completely cursed]”— 14(1) [so that] [The] [Blessing] [of] [Abraham] [could come] [to] [The] [Gentiles] [through] [The Anointed One], [Jesus]; (2) [so that] [we could receive] [The] [Promise] [of The] [Spirit] [via] [our] [Belief in God’s Promise].
(Galatians 3:13–14) —HSSB

Paul’s point is, Jesus Christ died on the cross so that the promise would be made available to everyone—“the Gentiles”—and thereby fulfill the promise God made to Abram in Genesis 12:1–3. Think about it: Individual Jews already had access to the promise through their adherence to The Law of Moses. I will explain in the next article in this series that they gained that access when God ratified the Old Covenant with Corporate Israel at Mount Sinai, but for now you need to accept the fact that Paul knows the method of salvation provided by The Law of Moses has given way to a methodology based solely on belief in the promise. That is because the curse of The Law of Moses that required the death of Corporate Israel was fulfilled when Jesus Christ died on the cross as the sole surviving Member of Corporate Israel.

The point of what I just told you is this: When Corporate Israel died on the cross on Crucifixion Day, Corporate Israel ceased to exist—along with all the “do this, don’t do that” requirements of the Old Covenant. His suffering was nothing less than the punishment that God required of Corporate Israel under the terms of the Old Covenant, so the requirements of that Covenant were thereby fulfilled. But make no mistake, salvation under the terms of the New Covenant is not based on those same requirements.

Newsletter Details

Contribution of $6.00
Pages 20
Author Larry Dee Harper
Language English

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