Let’s Just Say, “You Have to Remain Centered ”
In this article, the author continues to explain the Passover Parable a bit more openly. After reviewing the high points of the previous issue (October 2020), he goes on to discuss Satan’s objective in the Believer’s life and warns that the “winds” will either triumph over you and you will lose your soul, or you will triumph over them and save it. He explains that you can’t withstand the “winds,” but the Truth can. The author provides insight into how to recognize the “winds” and win the battle for your mind. He then describes being completely at peace with God when you remain in your “center.”
Questions & Answers
The “Questions & Answers” column begins with a question challenging the author’s translation of the Hebrew term sheol and is followed by a question regarding a term the author has translated “kindness.” In answering the first question, the author discusses Moses’ education in Egyptian religion and the parabolic imagery of the Passover Parable which comes directly out of the Egyptian myth in which a Pharaoh who has died was guaranteed resurrection (because he was the son of the most high god). The author then examines the Canaanite myth of Baal regarding resurrection and discusses the conflation of the two mythologies (Egyptian and Canaanite). In response to the second question regarding God’s “friendliness for humans,” the author provides his translation of Titus 2:15–3:7.